by Sue Evans
WHO: Sue Evans
WHERE: Gosport, Hampshire, UK
MEDIUM/TECHNIQUE: Mixed soft media
LINKS: Contact

I belong to a Textile Art Group we are known as “Fimbria”. We meet once a month and work on challenges ,exhibitions and have an outside tutor in a couple of times a year. Our challenge for this year is to make sketch book journals for at least 3 months, January till end of March, completing a page a day. I thought I would use this journal as inspiration for MOM contributions.
I am a self employed children’s art teacher and I do this by going into 4 local schools and hold after school art for an hour a week in each one.
I love using mixed media stitch, paint and dyes. I have recently discovered the Gelli plate and I’m sure you will see results from this at some point in the future. I make textile pictures, brooches, fish etc.
submitted by Sue Evans