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by Dianne Whyte

WHO: Dianne Whyte

WHERE: West Sussex, England

MEDIUM/TECHNIQUE: Fabric, stitching, dyeing


LINKS: ContactFacebook

I paint and dye, I quilt, I stitch and I embroider both by hand and by machine.


I love contrasts and bring texture into my work with colour and stitch and by manipulating the fabrics I have chosen to use.  


I consider each project to be a journey and I don't like to over plan. I prefer to start with a simple idea and see where it goes, where my thoughts take me, allowing my ideas to evolve organically. I often find that I go off at a tangent and the original piece remains unfinished, surpassed by new ideas. I am  a great “what-iffer” and, sometimes I find that my "what-iff's" lead me to produce more than one piece of work which then go on to form a series or to complement the original. 


I am fascinated by boundaries, both physical and emotional, and a lot of my work reflects this. Walls, fences and trees, in particular, have featured in a lot of my work and I particularly enjoy the texture and decay/distress that can be brought into this element of my work. 

submitted by Dianne Whyte

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