by Sue Appleton
WHO: Sue Appleton
MEDIUM/TECHNIQUE: Fabric and mixed media
FOR SALE: Yes, please contact the artist directly
LINKS: Contact

Myname is Sue Appleton. I am a 62-year-old "creative apprentice" having previously concentrated on oil painting and teaching mixed media.
I gave up on "stitching" when I discovered that, like drawing, I couldn't make a straight line at the age of 16. Life reintroduced me to art in my 50s and, discovering your website "words and stitches" reawakened a more exciting and joyful direction. Inspired by the gorgeous work on your site and the friendly supportive comments encouraged me to go public with my art for the first time. I have always made art journals but now, using thread like paint and fabric for colour, the images of my journey of life will come alive. Each of the pieces also illustrates a new learning curve, using new materials or techniques. These I hope to share on my blog inspiring others to challenge themselves. Although I love art, I will always be a teacher in my soul and so I want to share my fabric art journey … ups and downs … and on a tight budget.
I use mainly recycled materials when I can and hope, as confidence grows, to incorporate more found materials. My work is original but I will acknowledge the input of various online blogs/artists from whose teaching I have learnt.
submitted by Sue Appleton