by Lyn Pecchiar
WHO: Lyn Pecchiar
WHERE: Melbourne, Australia
MEDIUM/TECHNIQUE: Fabric Collage and freestyle machine embroidery
FINISHING: Satin stitched edges, unframed
FOR SALE: Yes, please contact Lyn directly
LINKS: Contact; Instagram: @Threadcrossings

I have been sewing since I was a small child making felt puppets with my mother. I progressed to sewing some of my own clothing in my teenage years and still do that as much as I can. I have also dabbled in quilting which led to my discovery about lowering the feed dogs on the sewing machine and freewheeling! My love of free motion machine embroidery was born. I recently started up a blog with my friend Cora Petralito called which allows me to record and show some of my work to the world.
I decided to take on this weekly Made on Monday challenge in an effort to get my creative juices flowing and try out different ideas without having to commit to large pieces. Already I can see the potential in developing some of those ideas into larger works. I will also be exploring new things that I haven’t tried before and I look forward to seeing the outcomes.
submitted by Lyn Pecchiar