I realized that thanks to Made On Monday I'm actually looking forward to Monday each week! India Tresselt
I decided that Made on Monday was a way to explore many techniques for surface manipulation and embellishment, without committing to just one big project. Sue Kelly
I'm finding it's good to keep my hands busy even when going through life's stressful times produces things that have no obvious meaning. Keep on stitching no matter what! Sharon Dallman

MoM was a lifesaver and helped me find my creative muse again ... I met such lovely friendly people who inspired me and ... it was a safe environment ... I was part of a creative tribe. Sue Appleton
This project has offered me a way to have fun and explore different techniques on a small scale. Tricia Brooks
The Made on Monday experience has been great for me, because I am able to experiment doing things I’ve never tried before without making huge a commitment. I am amazed to find I have been doing this for nearly half a year, and have lots of ideas generating for new MoM pieces, as well as for other textile art inspired by my MoM pieces. Thanks to Kate for all her work in running the challenge, it is really fun! Lyn Pecchiar