To fully appreciate the beautiful work in these galleries, it's best to view this website on your computer ... the mobile version is a little messy!
Effective February, 2023, this site will no longer be updated.
But, if you happen to find yourself here, don't worry, you can still enjoy the art contributed by the Made On Monday participants since the project began in 2015.
You'll find the contributors in the drop down menu beneath 'ARTIST PAGES'.
Made on Monday
In October, 2020, the Made On Monday project was 5 years old. It started out with just me looking for a way to put some structure into my art practice in a format that encouraged me to play and experiment. Much to my delight, many other creative people from around the globe joined in and several who began in 2015 continued to contribute for months and even years … I count them among my online friends and have enjoyed watching the evolution and changes in their work over the years as well as learning a bit about them and their lives along the way. I hope we’ll remain in touch watching one another from the social media wings!
Some people only managed one or two pieces, but every person who completed a minimum of 12 pieces has their own page on this website which you can continue to visit at any time.
I know this project is finished for many of you and I remain grateful for your participation and inspiration. Having had no new recruits for several months, I sense our ‘best before date’ has come and gone. I will likely continue my own Made On Monday practice indefinitely because it works for me both creatively and financially. And, I will maintain the website so that your fans and patrons can continue to view your work there. And, if you do want to submit a piece once in a while, I will make sure it is uploaded to your page.
Thank you everyone … needless to say, at the start of this project, I had no idea just how far-reaching and inspiring it would be!
PLEASE NOTE: All images featured on this site remain the property of the artist who submitted them. No reproduction or re-use of these images in print, digital or any other formats is permitted without the express consent of the artist. Please contact the artist directly.