It's Only Paint!
It took me fifteen years to paint this hallway. Well, that’s not quite accurate; let’s say it took me a couple of days but close to...

Learn The Lingo!
I recently received an e-mail from a customer who had just purchased a copy of my book Nestbuilding - A Guide To Finding Your Inner...

Scott McGillivray 'liked' my comment!
Yes, Scott and I are 'friends' on Facebook. Yesterday he posed the question: "what are your personal dos and don'ts when it comes to...

'Cellularly' Challenged!
Ironically, due to the preponderance of cell phones these days, there are many people I no longer chat with … and here’s why: Back in the...

House Of Bricks
I have recently published my second novel, Dear Teddy. It is a bittersweet romance that takes place over a period of 50 years. The two...

Be You!
Everywhere I look these days, the message is clear … be yourself; unto thyself be true. I have no idea if I am the only one ‘receiving’...

No Drum Roll Please ...
No drum roll please … perhaps a celestial harp if you have one? As 2015 draws to a close, we say goodbye to ‘Marsala’, Pantone’s 2015...

Take It Easy, Mrs. Claus!
Originally posted in 2013 ... little has changed since then except that even I find myself sending e-cards! The holiday season is...

The Heart Is Where The Home Is
As the modern world shakes, rattles and rolls around us, how does this redefine our sense of place? There’s climate change to worry...

So Now What?
A dream vacation comes to an end, you move house, or you begin your retirement … these are all life-changing events and, usually, there...